Rekacipta Inovasi ITB


PT. Rekacipta Inovasi ITB History

Here, our history inspires your future.

PT. Rekacipta Inovasi ITB (PT.RII) is a company owned by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) which is engaged in the commercialization and distribution of ITB research and innovation products produced by researchers in the research center environment, faculties/schools, and research institutions within the ITB environment.

PT. RII is a subsidiary of ITB where 97% of the shares are owned by ITB (BPUDL ITB) and 3% are owned by PT Lapi ITB. PT.RII is a company founded in February 2016 which is engaged in the Information, Communication, Telecommunication (ICT), Service & Creative Industry, Transportation & Infrastructure, Energy & Environment, Health, Life Science & Food Technology business fields.

PT. RII supports patents, focuses on high-tech & high-impact innovations and startup innovations.

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